We offer one on one coaching, group coaching, facilitate workshops and more

1 on 1 coaching

Tailored engagements with a 6 month minimum to help leaders clarify values, reflect on goals and enhance their performance.

Workshop facilitation

Partnering closely with leaders who want to bring this work to their larger organizations, we offer both creation and facilitation of custom workshops to drive leadership development and growth at all levels.

Group Coaching Programs

  • Coaching frameworks to unlock clarity and transformation

  • Support and accountability from a small group of peers to ensure long-lasting results.

  • Group coaching offerings include Positive Intelligence, a well-regarded program designed for leaders who want to shift their mindsets and build mental fitness and resilience. 

  • Group coaching programs exist for organizations or individuals.

what clients are saying

The Positive Intelligence program has significantly shifted the way I approach my day-to-day life and how I tackle career decisions. My day-to-day is now punctuated by mindfulness practices inspired by the PQ method that meaningfully takes me out of stress and emotional spirals. It has also reframed my next career step, no longer making it my ultimate goal to be achieved (or an embodiment of my entire identity), but rather one of many vehicles to express values that are important to me like cultivating a learner’s mindset, contributing to the greater good and being amongst supportive colleagues.”

— Kathleen