we partner with organizations looking to identify blindspots, evolve their leaders and overcome obstacles to growth

Who we work with

Our clients are companies looking for bespoke solutions to help up level their talent. These solutions might include

  • Workshops or group coaching programs to support specific populations (e.g. new people managers, ERGs)

  • One on one coaching to help specific leaders evolve and grow

  • Design and facilitation of custom diagnostics and transformation plans for teams and groups of leaders

we work with

About stephanie

After a successful career in tech, Stephanie launched Stephanie Movahhed Coaching in 2019. She's now spent hundreds of hours coaching exceptional leaders.

Stephanie is a Certified Professional CoActive Coach (CPCC) and certified Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She holds an MBA from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and a BA from Dartmouth College, where she graduated with honors and went on to pursue a Fulbright.

Stephanie's clients value that she blends her strategic mind and empathetic listening style with practical experience spent among some of the world's best leaders.

Where most people see roadblocks, we see possibilities. Get in touch to learn what's possible for you with our partnership.